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AMA - Untitled 2017

Director: Grace Li

DP/Editor: Shuan Liu (Shuangraphy)


斜槓筆記本 Slash Note

Production: Pencil Branding Inc.

Director: Grace Li

DP/Editor: Shuan Liu (Shuangraphy)


BetweenGos x 老行家

Production: BetweenGos

Director: Grace Li

DP/Editor: Shuan Liu (Shuangraphy)


Victor - Crown

Production: Shuangraphy
Director/DP/Editor: Shuan Liu



Victor - Anders Antonsen

Production: Shuangraphy
Director/DP/Editor: Shuan Liu



UBA Final - 萬分之一的你

2019 UBA (University Basketball Association) final promo video.

Client: CTUSF 大專體總
Sponsor: Fubon Life Insurance Co., Ltd. 富邦人壽
Production: Shuangraphy 
Creative/Director/DP: Shuan LiuLine Producer: Yuru Hsiao
Casting/Stylist: Grace Li
2nd Camera/Gaffer: Daniel Gao
Makeup: Renee Li
Editor: Shuan Liu


BetweenGos - ON / OFF

2018 BetweenGos A/W project image video.

Production: BetweenGos
Producer/Director: Grace Li
DP/Editor: Shuan Liu



HOCC 何韻詩 - Dear Self, Dear World

HOCC World Tour 2018 “Dear Self, Dear World” CANADA | USA promo.


Production: Shuangraphy
DP/Editor: Shuan Liu



UBA Final - Reach The Top

2018 UBA (University Basketball Association) final promo video.

Client: CTUSF 大專體總
Sponsor: Fubon Life Insurance Co., Ltd. 富邦人壽
Production: Shuangraphy 
Creative/Director/DP: Shuan Liu
Gaffer: Alan Wang
Makeup: Jenny Chang
Narrator:Jiang Jiang
Editor: Shuan Liu

Special Thanks: CTSSF 高中體總, VL Sports 緯來體育, CTS 華視, Candice Hsu, Daniel Gao


BetweenGos - Yellow


2018 BetweenGos summer project image video.

Production: BetweenGos
Producer/Director/Stylist: Grace Li
DP/Editor: Shuan Liu




HOCC World Tour 2018 “Dear Self, Dear World" short documentary in Taichung & Kaohsiung.


Production: Shuangraphy
DP/Editor: Shuan Liu



Dcard - 小事公益


Client: Dcard
Production: Pencil Branding Inc.
Producer/Director: Grace Li
DP/Editor: Shuan Liu (Shuangraphy)
Gaffer: Daniel Gao
Set Decorator: Jared Yeh
Makeup Artist: Renee Li
Production Assistant: Deane Liu, Jim Chang


BetweenGos - 出走世代

Production: BetweenGos
Producer/Director: Grace Li
DP/Editor: Shuan Liu



HOCC 何韻詩 - DSDW Taipei

HOCC World Tour 2018 “Dear Self, Dear World" short documentary in Taipei.


Production: Shuangraphy
DP/Editor: Shuan Liu




Production: BetweenGos
Producer/Director: Grace Li
DP/Editor: Shuan Liu 



這我隊友 - 比賽篇


2017 Universiade Taipei CTUSF promo video.

Client: CTUSF
Creative/Producer: CTUSF
Production: Shuangraphy 
Director/DP: Shuan Liu
Camera Operator:
楊晴, 陳怡如, 陳重羽
Gaffer: Daniel Gao, Jared Yeh
Editor: Shuan Liu
Graphic Designer: Polly Wei


這我隊友 - 訓練篇


2017 Universiade Taipei CTUSF promo video.

Client: CTUSF
Creative/Producer: CTUSF
Production: Shuangraphy 
Director/DP: Shuan Liu
Camera Operator:
鄭品薇, 潘以綺
Gaffer: Daniel Gao
Editor: Shuan Liu
Graphic Designer: Polly Wei


這我隊友 - 生活篇


2017 Universiade Taipei CTUSF promo video.

Client: CTUSF
Creative/Producer: CTUSF
Production: Shuangraphy 
Director/DP: Shuan Liu
Camera Operator:
鄧宇成, 陳維杰, 潘以綺
Gaffer: Daniel Gao
Editor: Shuan Liu
Graphic Designer: Polly Wei


Universiade Taipei X 7-ELEVEN

2017 Universiade Taipei X 7-ELEVEN promo music video.

client: 7-ELEVEN
精靈劇團、Uni Girls Junior
Production: Shuangraphy
Producer/Director: Shuan Liu
Assistant Director:
Line Producer: 辛巴
Production Assistant: Samuel Chen
Casting Director: Grace Li
Casting Assistant: James Li
DP: Shuan Liu
Additional Camera: Daniel Gao
Makeup/Hair stylist:
Editor/Colorist: Shuan Liu
VFX: Magic Daniel
Vocal: 舞思愛
Special Thanks: le coq sportif






TPE image video for 2015 Gwangju Universiade.


Client: CTUSF 大專體總

Production: Shuangraphy

Producer: CTUSF
DP/Editor: Shuan Liu

Gaffer: Daniel Gao

Assistant: Li Hsieh Li Yu




Empowering Women and Girl through Sports.


Client: 女力 We Can

Production: Shuangraphy

Producer: Blue Tseng
Director/DP/Editor: Shuan Liu




Chiang Hsun short documentary

by Lens (Beijin) x Lexus.

Production: Lens (Beijin)
Producer/Director: Man Fa
Creative Producer: Algae
Executive Producer: Fan Zhang
Cinematographer: Man Fa,

                                Shuan Liu (Shuangraphy),

                                Liyucan Chen, Jared Yeh,

                                Yuwei Lin
Drone Camera: Shuan Liu (Shuangraphy)
Line Editor: Jun Lou
Post Production: Johnson Lee
Special Thanks: Yuwei Lin

American Tourister Curio

2017 American Tourister Taiwan Curio commercial.

Client: American Tourister Taiwan
Production: Pencil Branding Inc.
Producer/Director/Stylist: Grace Li
DP/Editor: Shuan Liu
Gaffer: Daniel Gao
Motion Graphic: Cloude Kuan


Ricoh - 主動式服務

Client: Ricoh Taiwan
Production: Pencil Branding Inc.
Producer/Director: Grace Li
DP/Editor: Shuan Liu (Shuangraphy)

Gaffer: Daniel Gao


Ricoh - 辦公室萬能小幫手 II

Client: Ricoh Taiwan
Production: Pencil Branding Inc.
Producer/Director: Grace Li
DP/Editor: Shuan Liu (Shuangraphy)

Gaffer: Daniel Gao


Ricoh - 辦公室萬能小幫手

Client: Ricoh Taiwan
Production: Pencil Branding Inc.
Producer/Director: Grace Li
DP/Editor: Shuan Liu (Shuangraphy)

Gaffer: Daniel Gao


Ricoh Workplace Innovation


2017 Ricoh Workplace plan intro.

Client: Ricoh Taiwan
Production: Pencil Branding Inc.
Producer/Director: Grace Li
DP: Jared Yeh
2nd Camera: Shuan Liu (Shuangraphy)
Gaffer/VFX: Daniel Gao
Editor: Shuan Liu (Shuangraphy)


ible Airvida

2018 ible Airvida promo video.

Client: ible Airvida
Production: Pencil Branding Inc.
Producer/Director: Grace Li
DP/Editor: Shuan Liu
Gaffer: Daniel Gao

Makeup Artist: Hikari Lott
Motion Graphic: Cloude Kuan


2017 女節

2017 Taiwan Women Theatre Festival promo video.

Client: 國家兩廳院 National Theater & Concert Hall, Taipei, Taiwan
Vocal: 林欣怡、藍貝芝
Producer/Director: 朱倩儀
DP/Editor: Shuan Liu 
Production Assistant: 張方瑜、薛元皓
Music: 李慈湄
Makeup Artist: Jenny Chang、Yuan Ching

INSTA3D - Show Your Move


Editor version.


Client: Insta3D
Production: Pencil Branding Inc.
Producer/Director: Grace Li
DP/Editor: Shuan Liu 
2nd Camera: Jared Yeh
Gaffer: Daniel Gao
3D Animation: Ray C.


KHM - 來照


2017 Kaohsiung Mizuno International Marathon promo video.


Client: 高雄市體育處
Production: Shuangraphy
Producer: Forebest
Director/DP/Editor: Shuan Liu
2nd camera: Jared Yeh
Gaffer: Daniel Gao
Makeup: Jenny Chang


KHM - 跑團來照


2017 Kaohsiung Mizuno International Marathon promo video.


Client: 高雄市體育處
Production: Shuangraphy
Producer: Forebest
Director/DP/Editor: Shuan Liu
2nd camera: Jared Yeh




2016 里約奧運中華隊選手形象短片。


2016 Rio Olympics Chinese Taipei image video.


Client: 體育署 MOE Sport

Production: Shaungraphy

Producer: CUSF 大專體總

Director/DP/Editor: Shuan Liu

Music: 滅火器樂團

American Tourister Zavis


2016 American Tourister Taiwan Zavis commercial.


Client: American Tourister Taiwan
Production: Pencil Branding Inc.
Producer/Director/Stylist: Grace Li
DP/Editor: Shuan Liu 
Gaffer: Daniel Gao
Assistant: Li Hsieh Li Yu

Makeup Artist: Meng Shu Lee
Motion Graphic: Cloude Kuan
Color Grading: Tsui Ting Chien, Shuan Liu

Music Composer: Jenny Chu



BetweenGos x 新光銀行數位金融 短片


Production: BetweenGos
Producer/Director: Grace Li
DP/Editor: Shuan Liu 
Gaffer: Daniel Gao


最好的回報 The Best Reward


2016 警政署父親節形象短片。


2016 National Police Agency short film.


Client:警政署 National Police Agency
Shuan Liu
Producer/Stylist/Translator: Grace Li
Gaffer: Daniel Gao
AC: Fang Sheng Chou
Makeup:  Jenny Chang
Art/Still Photographer: Jared Yeh
Narrator: Jiang Jiang
ADR: Peggy Wang

Bestmade Stand III


Bestmade III image video.


Client: Bestmade

Production: Pencil Branding Inc.

Producer: Grace Li

DP/Editor: Shuan Liu (Shuangraphy)

Gaffer: Daniel Gao


Bestmade Stand II


Bestmade 天然原木螢幕架」 集資短片。


Client: Bestmade

Production: Pencil Branding Inc.

Producer/Narrator: Grace Li

Director/DP/Editor: Shuan Liu (Shuangraphy)

Gaffer: Ray Yo

Assistant: Lu Ming Tsai

Motion Graphic: Cloude Kuan




BetweenGos sketch comedy.


Production/Director: BetweenGos

Writer: Deane Liu

Producer/Stylist: Grace Li

DP/Editor: Shuan Liu (Shuangraphy)

2nd Camera/Art: Jared Yeh

Gaffer: Daniel Gao



2017 FISU World Conference


2017 Universiade Taipei FISU world conference promo video.

Client: 世大運研討會籌委會
Production: Shuangraphy

Producer/Narrator: Grace Hsu
Director/DP: Shuan Liu
Gaffer: Ray Yo
Editor: Tsui Ting Chien
Audio engineer: Peggy Wang




People X


2015 People X (App) promo video.


Client: People X

Production: Pencil Branding Inc.
Producer: Grace Li
Director: Jared Yeh

DP/Editor: Shuan Liu (Shuangraphy)

「自造我們的科學時代:1960 -1990台大近代物理學生實驗室的故事」特展主題影片。


Client: NTSEC 國立臺灣科學教育館

Production: info2Act, Shuangraphy

Producer/Writer: Austin Chang

Director/DP/Editor: Shuan Liu

2nd Camera: Jian Hua Liao 







劉氏教育 - 視聽動宣傳短片。


LEC Learning Solutions promo video.


Client: LEC 劉氏教育

Production: Pencil Branding Inc.

Producer: Grace Li

Director/DP/Editor: Shuan Liu (Shuangraphy)


Lipault Paris


2015 Lipault Paris (Taiwan) commercial.


Client: Lipault Paris (Taiwan)

Production: Pencil Branding Inc.
Director/Producer: Grace Li
DP: Jared Yeh, Shuan Liu 

Editor: Shuan Liu (Shuangraphy)




王彙筑 - 末日前的使壞 Dir. Cut


2014 Hui Chu Wang Music Video.


Client: Goahead Music Co. Ltd. (果核)

Production: Shuangraphy

Writer/Director/Editor: Shuan Liu
DP: Cyril Wong
Producer: Chee Lin

Subtitle: Wenlei Chiu

Music: Hui Chu Wang

All content © Copyright Shuangraphy, 2023.

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